“The whole world now teeters over a satanic agenda of evil which will make all former holocausts of human destruction be seen as relatively minor precursors of what is to come. The goal of this agenda may be formulated as follows: the complete erasure in the minds and hearts of all men of the truth that every human soul is created in the image of God with a fixed nature common to all men since the beginning of creation, and possessing both the dignity and responsibilities before God inherent in this nature. The Catholic Church has been the great guardian of this truth for the past 2000 years, and therefore has been the only institution which has protected the world from plummeting back into total barbarism. It is now Satan’s agenda to remove this protection by achieving the victory of Teilhardian evolutionary theology within the Church – this agenda, in the minds of its protagonists, to be irreversibly incarnated within the life-blood of the Church by means of the coming Amazonian Synod in October, 2019. ~from The Rosary to the Interior (source)
You might have been hearing about the planned Vatican-led Pan-Amazonian synod which is set for October 6- 27, 2019. There has been numerous articles on the internet about it: the Vatican released preview, words of its proponents, and words from those who have found heresies in the proposals of the synod. The Church is in a state of turmoil. The National Catholic Register reports that Cardinal Raymond Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider have called for a time of prayer and fasting leading up to the October synod, read here. The article notes that the two prelates call for:
…clergy and laity “pray daily at least one decade of the Holy Rosary and to fast once a week” for such intentions (see article, added by SF) over a 40 day period, from Sept. 17 to Oct. 26.
Yesterday, during the daily Mass at EWTN, a homily was presented which called for the same prayer and fasting for the upcoming synod (if link, below, does not work, you may view it here):
The Rosary to the Interior has published an online course which explains precisely what is happening in the Roman Catholic Church today; and offers solutions. It may be accessed here.
Beginning today, let us pray at least one decade of the Rosary daily, and fast once a week, for the upcoming synod.
May the Blessed Virgin Mary, destroyer of all heresies, pray for the Roman Catholic Church.
May you have a good day.