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  • The Mirth of God Redux

    A post in The Marian Room from January 18th, 2018 covered G.K. Chesterton‘s notion of the “youthfulness of God” as evidenced in creation. G.K. Chesterton also spoke of another aspect of God which is often overlooked: the idea of “God’s mirth.” This topic was broached this morning between myself and a friend, and I recalled the notion of God’s mirth…

  • Rosa Mystica

    Rosa Mystica by Fr. Gerard Manley Hopkins 1. The rose in a mystery, where is it found? Is it anything true? Does it grow upon ground? — It was made of earth’s mould but it went from men’s eyes And its place is a secret and shut in the skies. Refrain — In the gardens of God, in the daylight…

  • The Glories of a Plain Day Redux

    It’s a plain day in a plain week, Not much happening. I hear the birds, They talk. I must get the laundry done.*   *this is a tribute to the generations of housewives who took loving care of their husbands and children without fanfare and drama. May the art of housewifery be returned to the honorable place it once held…

  • Colors and Rainbows

    “We have all read in scientific books, and, indeed, in all romances, the story of the man who has forgotten his name. This man walks about the streets and can see and appreciate everything; only he cannot remember who he is. Well, every man is that man in the story. Every man has forgotten who he is. One may understand…

  • Babies and The Stork

    ~As there is currently much talk in the United States about the rights (or lack thereof) of unborn children, I am taking another break from our reading of St. Alphonsus to urge us to remember the beauty of first things; in particular, the beauty of children and the gift that they are from Almighty God. Perhaps we need to go…