“Keep up your hobbitry in heart, and think that all stories feel like that when you are in them. You are inside a very great story!” – a letter from JRR Tolkien to his son Christopher, Letters of JRR Tolkien We are living in a great story, indeed; and our lives have been preceded by those of our Catholic ancestors.…
A Short Story
The following is a brief conversation between two saints, and makes for an interesting story*: Shortly after his death, St.Dominic Savio (b. 1842- d. 1857) appeared in glory to St. John Bosco (b. 1815- d. 1888) who asked him what gave him most consolation at the hour of his death. The young saint was asked if it was purity: “Not…
Children of the Magi 2020
~Today’s post is a repeat (with some edits) from Epiphanytide 2019: “O Mary, keep us from forgetting that we are the children of the Magi, and that Bethlehem is ever open to receive us.” ~Dom Prosper Gueranger Since we remain in the octave of the Epiphany (day of Epiphany 2020, added by SF), I am posting another meditation by Dom Prosper Gueranger (b.…
Mary, Mother of Divine Providence
“I love the image of Christ as a chubby little helpless babe in Mary’s arms–looking at His own reflection in her eyes. I love this entire image of Jesus and Mary! It reminds us that we should be like little children and trust Mary completely.” ~K. Anne, November 19, 2019. Today, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the Blessed Virgin Mary…
St. John Vianney Speaks on the Blessed Virgin Mary
“The Heart of Mary is so tender towards us, that those of all the mothers in the world put together are like a piece of ice in comparison to hers.” ~St. John Mary Vianney Today, I am posting a short instruction from our French Catholic ancestor, St. John Mary Vianney (b. 1786- d. 1859), on the topic of the Blessed…