“‘Consolatrix afflictorum,’ comforter of the afflicted. St. Germanus writes: Oh Mary, who has so great care of our welfare as thou hast? Is there any one who relieves us in our afflictions as thou dost?
No, replies St. Antoninus: There is none among the saints who compassionates our miseries as this most pious Lady. And because the miseries which most afflict us are the maladies of the soul, the blessed Henry Suso calls Mary: The most faithful consoler of sinners: ‘Consolatrix fidelissima peccatorum.’ We need only show to Mary the wounds of our souls, and she immediately comes to our aid with her prayers, and consoles us. Even as Richard of St. Victor teaches, her piety prevents us and relieves us before we invoke her: ‘Velocius occurrit quam invocetur.’
Let us say to her, then, with St. Bonaventure: Oh Mary, always console us, but especially at the hour of our death. Come, then, and take our souls, and present them to thy Son, who is to be our Judge.”
St. Alphonsus Liguori (b. 1696– d. 1787), from The Glories of Mary