Today is the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The heart typically represents something mysterious about a person: his beliefs, who he loves, what he loves. The heart of Christ is the heart of a hero.
The heart stands for love. The human heart of Jesus stands both for His human love and for the infinite love of His divine Person. His love was not just a shimmering, dreamy softness; it was wisely strong and true to its eternal purposes. Despite the anguish of Gethsemane, His love yielded His human life to crucifixion. His love had all the majesty and fullness of God, a height and a depth that make paltry the wisdom of men. Every mystery of His life, every miracle, sermon, and kindness, was a new revelation of divine love that enlightens and warms mankind. source
The heart of Our Lord was not weak and tepid. He loved greatly, and sacrificed everything for the Church, for you and I. He is a Hero with a capital H; and from the loving heart of this Hero, we may now receive the graces we need to follow the will of God, and to, eventually, enter Heaven.
As a little side note: on this day, we also remember that Our Lord’s heart was pierced at Calvary. That wounding must have caused much anguish in the heart of Our Lady, in her Immaculate Heart. We remember her on this day, and thank her for giving us this loving Savior and Hero.
♥ More information on devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus