Mary, The Divine Shepherdess

Today, the Church honors the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of Our Lady, Mother of the Divine Shepherd. Our Lady, herself, has been known as the Divine Shepherdess, aka, La Divina Pastora, and La Divine Bergère. There have been numerous images of Our Lady which depict her shepherding the flock of Christ. This morning, I looked about for a good image of Our Lady as the Divine Shepherdess; and I came across a treasure trove of so titled images at Holy Card Heaven, a website which posts vintage holy cards. The creator of Holy Card Heaven has made one page solely devoted to Our Lady as the Divine Shepherdess. I am posting a link to it, as I cannot find a way to contact the creator; and I am uncertain as to the copyright status of the images. I think you will enjoying perusing the holy cards (scroll down), and reading the respective descriptions beneath the cards. So, without further ado, an album of images of The Divine Shepherdess, Mary: link.

May you have a good day.


~Image: The Divine Shepherdess (La divina pastora) by Miguel Cabrera, source.