Queen of the Home

One of the titles of Our Lady is Mary, Mother of Divine Providence. She was painted under this title in 1580 by the Italian painter, Scipione Pulzone (picture, above). There is a long and rich history of devotion to Our Lady under the title of Mother of Divine Providence beginning at the wedding feast of Cana, and continuing to the present where she is known by the Faithful under this title as Queen of the Home. The image of Our Lady under the title of Mother of Divine Providence is lovely because it visually captures the work of Our Lady: mother.

Mary is the Mother of Christ, but she is also the mother of all Christians, and, as such, she is always active in prayer, and deed, to see to the temporal and eternal needs of her children. As St. John Vianney (b. 1786- d. 1859) stated, “Only after the last judgement will Mary get any rest; from now until then, she is much too busy with her children.” There is never a need which is too small, or too large, for Mary. As Christ fully trusted in Our Lady’s maternal care, dwelling in her womb for nine months, then, resting in her arms in infancy, followed by a childhood under her watchful eye; may all Christians find that secure place, in her arms.

Resting in confidence in the arms of Mary is the simple way to understand what it means to be consecrated to Mary, to be consecrated to Jesus through Mary. Resting in the arms of Mary, in an act of confidence, is the same path that Christ took while on this Earth. The Church has repeatedly declared her to be the mother of all Christians, and this has been attested to by the Fathers of the Church, the saints, and Tradition. To be a child of Mary is quite an honor, and a person is richly blessed if he is being mothered by her.

Mary, Mother of Divine Providence, pray for us.