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  • The Most Holy Name of Mary

    In mid-September, as the leaves are beginning to turn to yellow, the Roman Catholic Church commemorates the Most Holy Name of Mary. The Church’s liturgy for today (the Roman rite) is a veritable feast which delights in the contemplation of this holy name as seen here. Dom Prosper Gueranger (b. 1805- d. 1875) in his book The Liturgical Year had…

  • The Blessed Virgin Mary: Queen

    Today, as we approach the end of May, I am sharing a teaching from Antonio Cardinal Bacci (b. 1885- d. 1971). In this teaching Cardinal Bacci reflects on Our Lady as Queen. This is fitting as May nears its end, for on the last day of May, the Church will commemorate the Queenship of Mary . I think you will…

  • The Blessed Virgin Mary: Ark of the New Testament

    It is the last day before Lent, and I am posting an excerpt from the beloved St. Alphonsus Liguori, and his book, The Glories of Mary. This particular section of the book details the power that Mary displays when we pray to her during times of temptation. Our Lady always assists those who call upon her; and she is, as…