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  • Flowers and Our Lady II

     “The Virgin may suitably be called a blooming rose. Just as the gentle rose is placed among thorns, So this gentle Virgin was surrounded by sorrow.”  ~St. Brigid The Blessed Virgin Mary is called The Flower of God, because of her Immaculate Conception, perpetual virginity, purity of life, and Divine motherhood.  I first wrote a post about Our Lady and her…

  • Mary, Mother of Divine Providence

    “I love the image of Christ as a chubby little helpless babe in Mary’s arms–looking at His own reflection in her eyes. I love this entire image of Jesus and Mary! It reminds us that we should be like little children and trust Mary completely.” ~K. Anne, November 19, 2019. Today, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the Blessed Virgin Mary…

  • Divine Providence and the Present Moment

    It is Friday, and, traditionally, Fridays are days of penance in the Roman Catholic Church. I heard a podcast this week between Dr. Taylor Marshall and Mr. Eric Sammons wherein they discussed the how-tos of living a Catholic life; which includes living a life marked by periods of penance, and periods of celebration and feasting. It is quite good. I…

  • Catholics Love the Blessed Virgin Mary

    “Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did.” ~Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe And, teach your children to love her, too. This is the Roman Catholic way. Let us continue to love Our Lady as our Catholic ancestors did. Hail Mary! ~SCF ~Image: Virginia Catholic culture: a May crowning. By…

  • Assumpta Maria by Francis Thompson

    Assumpta Maria by Francis Thompson (b. 1859- d. 1907): Mortals, that behold a Woman, Rising ‘twixt the Moon and Sun; Who am I the heavens assume? an All am I, and I am one. Multitudinous ascend I, Dreadful as a battle arrayed, For I bear you whither tend I; Ye are I:  be undismayed! I, the Ark that for the…