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  • The Birthday of Our Lady

    “This day was born the glorious Virgin Mary, a child of the seed of Abraham, a daughter of the tribe of Judah, a princess of the lineage of David.”  ~from the morning devotion for September 8, 2021, source   On September the eighth, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Can you imagine the joy…

  • American Football Player Speaks of His Faith

    Today, I am posting a link to a twelve minute interview of the twenty-three year old American football player, Harrison Butker. In this work, Butker boldly (think Belloc!) testifies to his love for the Roman Catholic Faith. I think it will inspire you as we continue our walk through Our Lady’s month, May: view below or click this link to…

  • Notre-Dame de Paris and Professor de Oliveira

    “For the world of science and evolution is far more nameless and elusive and like a dream than the world of poetry and religion; since in the latter images and ideas remain themselves eternally, while it is the whole idea of evolution that identities melt into each other as they do in a nightmare.” ― G.K. Chesterton, The Ball and…

  • Fr. Hopkins and His Poems

    There has been a bit of good news in the world this week: a cache of poems by the Victorian era poet-priest, Fr. Gerard Manley Hopkins (b. 1844- d. 1889), has been, I will not say discovered, but has been handed over to the British government by the family of the fellow poet, and longtime Hopkins friend, Robert Bridges. The collection has been placed in…

  • The Death of Old Thunder

    “We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.”  C.S. Lewis, from The Abolition of Man The French-Anglo Catholic writer, Hiliare Belloc (b. 1870- d. 1953), had a nickname which captured his bold and active personality, Old Thunder. I have reprinted quotes from Old Thunder on…