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  • Beauty and Motherhood

    “With the arrogance of youth, I determined to do no less than to transform the world with Beauty. If I have succeeded in some small way, if only in one small corner of the world, amongst the men and women I love, then I shall count myself blessed, and blessed, and blessed, and the work goes on.” ~William Morris, The Well…

  • Divine Providence and the Present Moment

    It is Friday, and, traditionally, Fridays are days of penance in the Roman Catholic Church. I heard a podcast this week between Dr. Taylor Marshall and Mr. Eric Sammons wherein they discussed the how-tos of living a Catholic life; which includes living a life marked by periods of penance, and periods of celebration and feasting. It is quite good. I…

  • The Rosary and Empress Zita

    I enjoy reading stories of our Catholic ancestors who were devoted to the Holy Rosary, such as the late Empress Zita. Empress Zita (b. 1892- d. 1989), the last Empress of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was a lifelong devotee of the Rosary, and prayed it daily with her family. Her life was characterized by an unflinching adherence to duty amidst misfortune…

  • Memorial Day

    Today is Memorial Day in the United States wherein we remember the noble souls who died while serving our country. We remember their sacrifice, and their self-giving love, which is summarized in the following quote from G.K. Chesterton: “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” We also…

  • The Adventure of Life

    “We are to regard existence as a raid or great adventure; it is to be judged, therefore, not by what calamities it encounters, but by what flag it follows and what high town it assaults. The most dangerous thing in the world is to be alive; one is always in danger of one’s life. But anyone who shrinks from that…