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  • Modern Elfland

    It is snowing across much of the United States, and the cold is forcing many to take shelter in their homes. So, grab a hot cup of coffee, and cozy up with this delightful verse, a hail to domesticity, by the great English Catholic writer G.K. Chesterton, titled: Modern Elfland, circa, 1927: I cut a staff in a churchyard copse,I clad…

  • One Foot in Fairyland

    “One of the deepest and strangest of all human moods is the mood which will suddenly strike us perhaps in a garden at night, or deep in sloping meadows, the feeling that every flower and leaf has just uttered something stupendously direct and important, and that we have by a prodigy of imbecility not heard or understood it. There is…

  • One Foot in Fairyland

    It is common today to view everything through the lens of rationalist thought, everything; and that which cannot be fit into this logical mode of thinking is none-the-less jammed into it because it simply must go there, and no one seems alarmed when the pieces do not fit, and contradictions cry out to be noticed. I am not denigrating rational thought.…