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  • Kitty, The Household Fairy II

    “The man standing in his own kitchen-garden, with fairyland opening at the gate, is the man with large ideas.”  G.K. Chesterton Kitty, The Household Fairy, has been at it again. Several weeks ago, we were expecting an important guest, the kind of guest, that before their arrival, you look about the home to catalog what might be lacking, in order to either…

  • The Church Militant in Action

    “Fairy tales, then, are not responsible for producing in children fear, or any of the shapes of fear; fairy tales do not give the child the idea of the evil or the ugly; that is in the child already, because it is in the world already. Fairy tales do not give the child his first idea of bogey. What fairy…

  • Hail Life Redux

    In the past several days, I have been around a four month old baby. He is beginning to smile at his relations and friends, will hold on to fingers, and make attempts to grab toys. It was a surprise to all when, out of nowhere, he rolled over one day; and continues this feat of rolling, to the applause and…