“The Child Christ lives on from generation to generation in the poets, very often the frailest of [mortals], but [mortals] whose frailty is redeemed by a child’s unworldliness, by a child’s delight in loveliness, by the spirit of wonder. Christ was a poet, and all through his life the Child remains perfect in him. It was the poet, the unworldly…
Rosa Mystica
Rosa Mystica by Fr. Gerard Manley Hopkins 1. The rose in a mystery, where is it found? Is it anything true? Does it grow upon ground? — It was made of earth’s mould but it went from men’s eyes And its place is a secret and shut in the skies. Refrain — In the gardens of God, in the daylight…
May, The Month of Mary
In the picture on this post you will see a statue of Our Lady adorned with a homemade crown, set before roses and a lit candle. This picture was taken on Mother’s Day in the state of New Mexico. It is the picture of a home May altar set up for the month of May, the month that is dedicated…
May: Mary’s Month
Today, the Roman Catholic Church enters the month dedicated to the Most Holy Blessed Virgin Mary: May. This year, May 1st marks not only the start of the month dedicated to Our Lady, but is also the First Friday of the month, and the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. I read on a blog the other day, that May…
Nothing is so beautiful as Spring – When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush; Thrush’s eggs look little low heavens, and thrush Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing; The glassy peartree leaves and blooms, they brush The descending blue; that blue is all in…