The month of the Holy Rosary, October, has arrived with its cooler temperatures, and evolving leaf scapes. It is a delightful time of the year, though one can be troubled without much effort by taking a glance at the international, or local news. It should be noted, however, that such news sources do not contain the Catholic view of the…
Fr. Lasance Collected Quotes
Today, The Marian Room is posting another quote from Fr. Francis X. Lasance’s prayer book, My Prayer Book. This quote is on the effect of Catholic pictures in a home. I think you will find it to be thought provoking: “A Room with good Catholic pictures in it and a room without such pictures differ as much as a room…
Fr. Lasance’s Quote on the Love of Flowers
The prolific Catholic writer, the Reverend Francis Xavier Lasance (b. 1860- d. 1946), published an interesting prayer book in 1908 which has been quite popular since its first printing. This book is titled My Prayer Book, Happiness in Goodness, and I find it interesting because it is not only filled with Catholic prayers, but it also contains many quotes from…
Advice from Fr. Lasance
The following is a bit of advice from the Catholic priest-writer, Fr. Francis Xavier Lasance (b. 1860- d. 1946). This spiritual advice was written in 1908, but remains pertinent to our day. I can imagine you, or I, phoning him (if a phone existed whereby we might reach him in heaven) on a day where we are troubled by events…