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  • A Marian Homily

    ~”His (referring to Fr. Fehlner, added by SF) spiritual and mystical relationship with the Blessed Mother became such a natural aspect of his daily life that he likened her, with the poet Hopkins to the ‘air we breathe’: ‘Be thou then, O thou dear Mother, my atmosphere.'” ~from the funeral of Fr. Peter Fehlner The following is a link to…

  • Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner: Mariology in the Franciscan Order

    In May of 2018, I presented a piece about the golden thread of Marian devotion which has been weaved throughout the Franciscan Order. In this piece (read here) I addressed the work of the Franciscan priest and scholar, Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner (b. 1931- d. 2018).  Fr. Fehlner was an expert on the golden thread: it was his life’s work,…

  • Fr. Fehlner and The Mystical City of God

    I have written of the recently deceased Franciscan priest, Fr. Peter Damien Fehlner (b. 1931- d. 2018), in the past (link).  Today, I am suggesting one of his timeless video instructions. The topic of today’s video is the book The Mystical City of God which was written by Venerable Mary of Agreda (b. 1602- d. 1665). Here is a link to Fr. Fehlner’s ten…

  • The Church Will Survive

    “Do not, I beseech you, be troubled about the increase of forces already in dissolution. You have mistaken the hour of the night; it is already morning.”  Hilaire Belloc The following is a homily from Fr. Peter Fehlner (b. 1931- d. 2018). In this homily Fr. Fehlner discusses crises in the Church, and in the world, which have been present…