“Mary’s life on Earth drew to a close. Her eyes were fixed on Heaven. Her heart beat with affection for God; her face shone and a smile was ever on her lips. All at once her heart gave a start, and Mary flew to Heaven, to the embrace of her beloved.” ~Rev. James Alberione, S.S.P., from The Life of The Madonna…
August 22: The Immaculate Heart of Mary
Today is the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. On this happy occasion, it is fitting to hear about this feast from Dom Prosper Gueranger. In Dom Prosper’s book, The Liturgical Year, he states: He alone who could understand Mary’s holiness could appreciate her glory. But Wisdom, who presided over the formation of the abyss, has not revealed to…
Feast of St. John Eudes 2021
Tomorrow, August the nineteenth, is the feast of our saint-ancestor, Fr. John Eudes (b. 1601- d. 1680); and for this day, we might allow him to speak to us about the Immaculate Heart of Mary through an excerpt from his book The Admirable Heart of Mary. I think you will find him to be a helpful instructor on the mysteries…
The Blessed Virgin Mary: Virgin Most Powerful
“Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army in battle array?” ~Cant 6:10 One of the titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the Litany of Loreto is Virgin Most Powerful. I have thought about this title, as you might have, too, wondering: what is the power of Mary?…
May: Mary’s Month
Today, the Roman Catholic Church enters the month dedicated to the Most Holy Blessed Virgin Mary: May. This year, May 1st marks not only the start of the month dedicated to Our Lady, but is also the First Friday of the month, and the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. I read on a blog the other day, that May…