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  • St. Alphonsus and The Blessed Virgin Mary

    Let us get right down to business: in our continuing study of The Blessed Virgin Mary by St. Alphonsus Liguori, St. Alphonsus tells us: “The title of queen,” remarks Blessed Albert the Great, “differs from that of empress, which implies severity and rigor, in signifying compassion and charity towards the poor.”  “The greatness of kings and queens,” says Seneca, “consists in…

  • Fr. Faber in the Month of May

    Mother of God, He broke thy heart That it might wider be, That in the vastness of its love There might be room for me. Fr. Frederick William Faber (b. 1814- d. 1863)     The month of May would not be complete without a post with writings from the Marian devotee, Fr. Frederick William Faber. For today, I am…

  • Lady Day 2021

    A Little Litany by Gilbert Keith Chesterton When God turned back eternity and was young, Ancient of Days, grown little for your mirth (As under the low arch the land is bright) Peered through you, gate of heaven—and saw the earth. Or shutting out his shining skies awhile Built you about him for a house of gold To see in pictured walls…

  • All Eyes on the Immaculate Conception

    ~It is December the second, and the Roman Catholic Church is headed towards the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (December 8). The following re-post (with edits) is intended to refresh us on the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. As we approach Our Lady’s feast, let us keep our eyes on her: a lady (immeasurably) high above us by her immaculate…

  • Blessed Virgin Mary: Mother of Divine Providence

    “I love the image of Christ as a chubby little helpless babe in Mary’s arms–looking at His own reflection in her eyes. I love this entire image of Jesus and Mary! It reminds us that we should be like little children and trust Mary completely.” ~K. Anne, November 19, 2019. Today, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the Blessed Virgin Mary…