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  • Fr. Faber in May

    Mother of God, He broke thy heart That it might wider be, That in the vastness of its love There might be room for me. Fr. Frederick William Faber (b. 1814- d. 1863)   The month of May would not be complete without a post on Our Lady’s son, Fr. Frederick William Faber. I wrote of this English priest in…

  • A Doctor of Marian Devotion Speaks

    A Doctor of the Church, St. Alphonsus Liguori (b. 1696- d. 1787), had a deep love for Our Lady which he fostered his entire life. As he approached death, St. Alphonsus wrote his famous Marian book, The Glories of Mary. Recently, Anne T. mentioned to me that she thought the introductory section of The Glories was fascinating. She found it fascinating,…

  • Bringing Flowers of the Rarest

    During the month of May, all across the world, images and statues of Our Lady have received, and are receiving, flowers of the rarest. Catholics refer to these actions as May crownings.  There is a mysterious joy which fills the heart during a May crowning, and of that joy, we shall have our part. Speaking of such, I received a…

  • The Hail Mary

    “Every day, from one end of the earth to the other, in the highest heaven and in the lowest abyss, all things preach, all things proclaim the wondrous Virgin Mary. The nine choirs of angels, men and women of every age, rank and religion, both good and evil, even the very devils themselves are compelled by the force of truth,…

  • A Marian Ode in May

    Today’s post contains a poem which was written as a tribute to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The poem was composed by Gilbert Keith Chesterton, and is titled, A Little Litany. It is a delightful ode to the Queen of May: When God turned back eternity and was young, Ancient of Days, grown little for your mirth (As under the low arch…