For today, I am linking to the Dan and Stephanie Burke podcast at the Spiritual Direction website; particularly to one sample of this podcast which I think The Marian Room readers will find informative. This particular podcast is titled What is Prayer from the Heart? Q and A Show. Dan and Stephanie Burke are producing simple to understand material on prayer, imbued…
Fr. Lawrence Explains the Rosary
I have heard people denigrate the Most Holy Rosary by stating that it is a bland repetition of prayers; implying by such statements that praying the Rosary is a waste of time. This objection is not new, and reveals that the objector does not understand the Rosary. Rev. Raymond P. Lawrence addressed such an objection in 1925 in the introductory…
The Rosary
“Do your best. But, never give up your beads.” ~Dom Eugène Vandeur The Rosary is a prayer that has been prayed by Roman Catholics for centuries. If you are a bit rusty on how to pray the Rosary, you might refer to this page at Fish Eaters: link. You might also view Rosary tutorials on You tube or other online…
Love the Rosary
~The following piece was published in The Marian Room last year. Today, as we are in the month of October, the month dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary in the Roman Catholic Church, I am re-posting it with a few edits and additions. May you have a good day. ~SCF “The Most Holy Virgin in these last times in which…
Padre Pio, Our Lady, and the Holy Rosary
“…If we do what we have always done, what our fathers did before us, we cannot go wrong. Satan wants to destroy this prayer, but in this he will never succeed. The Rosary is the prayer of those who triumph over everything and everyone. It was Our Lady who taught us this prayer, just as it was Jesus who taught…