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  • St. Alphonsus and The Blessed Virgin Mary

    Let us get right down to business: in our continuing study of The Blessed Virgin Mary by St. Alphonsus Liguori, St. Alphonsus tells us: “The title of queen,” remarks Blessed Albert the Great, “differs from that of empress, which implies severity and rigor, in signifying compassion and charity towards the poor.”  “The greatness of kings and queens,” says Seneca, “consists in…

  • Chesterton’s Confession

      Psalm 44:10-18 “The daughters of kings have delighted thee in thy glory. The queen stood on thy right hand, in gilded clothing; surrounded with variety. Hearken, O daughter, and see, and incline thy ear: and forget thy people and thy father’s house. And the king shall greatly desire thy beauty; for he is the Lord thy God, and him…