Good Monday morning to you all from the rolling hills of the Ohio Valley. Today is another St. Alphonsus day where I will post an excerpt from The Glories of Mary. I continue to be amazed at the work this 18th century Doctor of the Church put into this book; and it, seems to me, that its richness can only…
Marching for the Unborn
Today is the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. It is winter in the U.S., and quite cold and snowy outside; and, yet, the people will march for the most vulnerable in our Land: unborn children. There must be an end to legalized abortion in America. We need to, again, see the real underdog among us: unborn children; and…
Chesterton: Why Catholic?
It is Wednesday, and it seems about the right time for a little Gilbert Keith Chesterton. Today, I am posting an essay Chesterton wrote in 1926 which is titled, Why I Am a Catholic. I like the bit in the middle where he describes the Church as a kind of safety net which surrounds the playground of life (paraphrase). Enjoy! Additionally, today, the Church…
The Last Essay of St. Maximilian Kolbe
The Franciscan Marian priest, St. Maximilian Kolbe, was martyred at Auschwitz on August 14, 1941. One year prior to his death, he wrote an essay on the Blessed Virgin Mary; but due to his arrest by agents of the Nazi government, imprisonment, and subsequent death, the essay was never completed. From the accounts of those who knew him, Fr. Kolbe…
Two Days Until the Immaculate Conception
Today, The Marian Room continues its countdown to the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception with a post containing an extensive text written for this feast from the book, The Liturgical Year: Advent, by the Very Reverend Dom Prosper Gueranger, Abbot of Solesmes, translated from the French by the Revered Dom Laurence Shepherd, Monk of the English-Benedictine Congregation, 2nd edition, 1870. Since there are just…