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  • Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    ~Tomorrow, on the fifteenth day of August, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven; or, as it is also called, Marymass. For this happy day, I am re-posting the following Assumption day entry.  “Mary’s life on Earth drew to a close. Her eyes were fixed on Heaven. Her heart beat with affection…

  • Hail, Queen of Heaven, The Ocean Star

    “Hail, Queen of Heaven, the ocean star, Guide of the wanderer here below, Thrown on life’s surge, we claim thy care, Save us from peril and from woe. Mother of Christ, Star of the Sea Pray for the wanderer, pray for me.” ~Fr. John Lingard (b. 1771- d. 1851) “Hail, Queen of Heaven, the ocean star” are the words which…

  • The Virgin Mary: Tower of Ivory

    “There is never a crack in the ivory towerOr a hinge to groan in the house of goldOr a leaf of the rose in the wind to witherAnd she grows young as the world grows old.A Woman clothed with the sun returningto clothe the sun when the sun is cold.” ~G.K. Chesterton, excerpt from The Towers of Time* One of…