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  • Belloc’s Public Profession

    Yesterday, at Mass in Warrenton, Virginia, the priest recited a quote by the Anglo-French writer Hilaire Belloc which I had posted in February. Prior to the recitation, the priest urged the young people in the congregation to bring their Faith with them as they proceeded in life, to live their Faith, and to be unabashedly Catholic. I thought I would…

  • Remember the Goodness of the Lord

    “Remember the goodness of the Lord in his treatment of you up until now. He will continue his work of perfection to your benefit. He will continue to pour out abundantly on you not only the oil of his mercy to make you rejoice but also the oil of his power to make you strong to fight successfully. It is…

  • Love the Rosary

    “When people love and recite the Rosary they find it makes them better.” St. Anthony Mary Claret (b. 1807- d. 1870)

  • The Third Joyful Mystery of the Rosary

    The Third Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, the Birth of Our Lord, is the subject of a new article by the Rosary to the Interior group. The article discusses the mysterious actions of Jesus in his Incarnation in the womb of Mary, birth, and subsequent life on Earth, all of which were characterized by humility and poverty. Here is a…

  • Empress Zita

    Empress Zita, the last Empress of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was a devotee of the Rosary, and prayed it daily with her family. Her life was characterized by an unflinching adherence to duty and fortitude amidst misfortune and loss. The cause for her beatification is underway. Servant of God Empress Zita, pray for us. •SCF More information: http://www.newliturgicalmovement.org/2009/12/cause-of-beatification-of-empress-zita.html#.Wgr2aWhSw2w