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  • The Donkey’s Secret Redux

    I posted this G.K. Chesterton poem in February of 2018, but I am re-posting it simply because I love it. The voice of the donkey is delightful, and is a reminder to never discount anyone based on their appearance, and apparent lack of, what the World would deem, treasure ($) and talents. I chose the picture for today’s post, because…

  • Staying on the Boat

     “We men and women are all in the same boat, upon a stormy sea. We owe to each other a terrible and tragic loyalty.”  ~G.K. Chesterton (b. 1874- d. 1936) Having dined early last evening, I left the premises of my domicile to attend a get-together at a friend’s house. My starting point might be located by throwing a pin at a large world map,…

  • Rosary Reflections from St. Therese

    This past October, I posted about St. Therese Martin (b. 1873- d. 1897), and included in that post the last poem written by this great, but little!, saint which is titled, Why I Love You, O Mary. Several weeks ago, a relation mentioned that she had, looking back over The Marian Room archives, read that post, and had found the poem to be quite moving.…

  • Modern Elfland

    It is snowing across much of the United States, and the cold is forcing many to take shelter in their homes. So, grab a hot cup of coffee, and cozy up with this delightful verse, a hail to domesticity, by the great English Catholic writer G.K. Chesterton, titled: Modern Elfland, circa, 1927: I cut a staff in a churchyard copse,I clad…

  • The Children Shall Play

    Cloaked in turquoise, Fragrant Rose, carrying God…..to save us.  The days are drawing us toward the 25th, and reports are that children everywhere are skipping about with anticipation. During these days, do watch the children: they know how to prepare for a celebration, and how to celebrate. They still walk the halls of innocence, and have not lost their love…