“When all my days are ending And I have no song to sing, I think that I shall not be too old To stare at everything; As I stared once at a nursery door Or a tall tree and a swing. Wherein God’s ponderous mercy hangs On all my sins and me, Because He does not take away The terror…
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St. Therese and Spiritual Childhood
At a certain moment when going to confession to a Capuchin father, St. Therese came to understand that it was just the opposite: her “defects did not displease God” and her littleness attracted God’s love, just as a father is moved by the weakness of his children and loves them still more as soon as he sees their good will…
Mary, Our Mother
“What a joy to remember that she [Mary] is our Mother! Since she loves us and knows our weakness, what have we to fear?” St. Therese Martin