It is the last day before Lent, and I am posting an excerpt from the beloved St. Alphonsus Liguori, and his book, The Glories of Mary. This particular section of the book details the power that Mary displays when we pray to her during times of temptation. Our Lady always assists those who call upon her; and she is, as…
Our Lady, Our Hope
Good Monday morning to you all from the rolling hills of the Ohio Valley. Today is another St. Alphonsus day where I will post an excerpt from The Glories of Mary. I continue to be amazed at the work this 18th century Doctor of the Church put into this book; and it, seems to me, that its richness can only…
Blessed Virgin Mary: Hope of Sinners
Monday is here, and following up with the post from last Wednesday, I am starting the week with another excerpt from the Marian treatise, The Glories of Mary by St. Alphonsus Liguori. Today’s subject is: Mary is the hope of sinners. Enjoy, and have a good day. ~SCF Begin excerpt from The Glories of Mary (excerpt continues until end of post): In the first chapter…
Blessed Virgin Mary: Queen of Mercy
St. Alphonsus Liguori (b. 1696- d. 1787) wrote The Glories of Mary in the 18th century. It is one of the most comprehensive books written on the Blessed Virgin Mary. Long before Google search engines, St. Alphonsus compiled this book from many sources: from the writings of saints, theologians, philosophers, Church Fathers, Biblical writers, and Church teachings. For the next several weeks, I…