Wherever you walk with the Blessed Virgin Mary; that is, when you are in a state of sanctifying grace in communion with the Roman Catholic Church (Baptism starts a person on this journey), and, as such, you are living in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, you are at home. This is an often overlooked perk of being a Roman Catholic: your…
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The Children Shall Play
Cloaked in turquoise, Fragrant Rose, carrying God…..to save us. The days are drawing us toward the 25th, and reports are that children everywhere are skipping about with anticipation. During these days, do watch the children: they know how to prepare for a celebration, and how to celebrate. They still walk the halls of innocence, and have not lost their love…
The Third Joyful Mystery of the Rosary
The Third Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, the Birth of Our Lord, is the subject of a new article by the Rosary to the Interior group. The article discusses the mysterious actions of Jesus in his Incarnation in the womb of Mary, birth, and subsequent life on Earth, all of which were characterized by humility and poverty. Here is a…