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  • Bringing Flowers of the Rarest

    During the month of May, all across the world, images and statues of Our Lady have received, and are receiving, flowers of the rarest. Catholics refer to these actions as May crownings.  There is a mysterious joy which fills the heart during a May crowning, and of that joy, we shall have our part. Speaking of such, I received a…

  • The Month of May with Dom Prosper Gueranger

    As May continues, I am posting a reflection by the French Benedictine priest, Dom Prosper Gueranger (b. 1805- d. 1875), which is titled, May, the Month of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. This excerpt is from Dom Prosper’s book, The Liturgical Year: Ever since our entrance upon the joys of the Paschal Season, scarcely a day has passed without…

  • Notre-Dame and the Cross Amidst the Ruins

    “The faith of the Middle Ages built the cathedrals, and here your ancestors came to praise God, to entrust to him their hopes and to express their love for him.”  ~Pope Benedict XVI at Notre-Dame de Paris, 2008   Yesterday, on a Monday in Holy Week, the grand Roman Catholic cathedral of Paris, Notre-Dame de Paris, caught fire and was…

  • Attending the Latin Mass

     “We live in the world without poetry, and this means that one should approach the treasures handed on from more fortunate times with twice as much reverence, and not with the illusion that we can do it better ourselves.” ~Dietrich von Hildebrand (b. 1889- d. 1977)   Recently,  Dr. Taylor Marshall discussed with Mr. Eric Sammons the practical aspects of…

  • Mother by Cardinal Mindszenty

    “The Most Important Person on earth is a mother. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. She has built something more magnificent than any cathedral -a dwelling for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby’s body. . . The angels have not been blessed with such a grace. They cannot share…