“Look upon the rainbow: that is, consider the beauty, holiness and dignity of blessed Mary; and bless with heart and mouth and deed her Son, who made her thus. In the brightness of her holiness she is very beautiful, beyond all daughters of God. She has encompassed the heaven about (that is, she has enclosed the divinity) within the circle of her glory, her glorious humanity.” ~St. Anthony of Padua (b. 1195- d. 1231)
Recently, the Chartres Pilgrimage took place: the penitential Roman Catholic walk from Paris to Chartres. The American writer Michael Matt led the American group on the route; and he has recorded several short videos that I am linking to, today, which explain this traditional Catholic pilgrimage. But, what, precisely, is the Chartres Pilgrimage? The Chartres Pilgrimage is explained in the following:
The Paris-Chartres Pilgrimage occurs every year on the Feast of Pentecost in early summer, and is a multi-generational, multi-national gathering of Catholics who draw closer to God through the centuries-old act of pilgrimage. The walk is roughly 62 miles over 3 days—beginning at daybreak on the Saturday before Pentecost, and ending with an afternoon mass on the Monday after Pentecost. The trek takes 8,000-10,000 pilgrims from the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, through the French countryside to the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Chartres. Participants brave the weather, blisters, and humble food and accommodations as an act of faith and an act of reparation in these modern times. (source)
The walk ends at the Chartres Cathedral where the veil of Our Lady, one of the most beloved relics of Christendom, is housed. This cathedral is a beautiful tribute to the Mother of God; and the cathedral’s facade speaks to Catholics of Our Lady’s dignity and love. The entire edifice stands as a testament of our Catholic ancestors’ love for Mary, and for the Church. It is a tangible icon of Our Lady that we might look to: a representation of the rainbow of hope, which is Our Mother (St. Anthony, from above quote).
In the following video Mr. Matt is interviewed explaining the pilgrimage, and the work of the restoration of the Roman Catholic Church. I think you will enjoy it.
And, in the following:
The Catholic Church is alive in France, and all over the world.
Hail Mary!
May you have a good day.
~Image: the grand medieval facade of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres.