They say that imitation is the greatest form of flattery, and such admirable flattery is seen in a mini-Chartres which stands proudly in Vancouver, British Columbia. One J. David was there this week, wandering about the city when he came upon the grand Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Cathedral. He promptly sent us images from this beautiful ode to Our Lady of the Rosary, and we are sharing them today for your edification, and much needed daily-dose of Beauty. But, first a bit of information on this church. The often maligned, but ever-helpful Wikipedia tells us that:
The Metropolitan Cathedral of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, commonly known as Holy Rosary Cathedral, is a late 19th-century French Gothic revival church that serves as the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver. It is located in the downtown area of the city at the intersection of Richards and Dunsmuir streets.
The construction of the cathedral began in 1899 on the site of an earlier church by the same name. It opened on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, 1900, was blessed the day after, and was consecrated in 1953. The style has been described as resembling the medieval Chartres Cathedral in France. The church was elevated to the status of cathedral in 1916. It is listed on the Vancouver Heritage Register and is a legally protected building. (source)
Without further ado, here are the interior images taken by the traveling J. David:
The gold canopied Lady’s altar is stunning.
The interior paint color, a pale blue, reminds me of the interior paint color of St. Benedict’s Church in Chesapeake, Virginia, which we discussed last week, here. The color sets the tone, a form of a back-drop, for a church dedicated to Our Lady.
Thank you to the traveler, J. David, for these pictures. The Catholic people of Vancouver are blessed to have inherited such a treasure from their Catholic ancestors.
May it stand until the end of time.
Hail Mary!