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  • St. Lucy, Bearer of Light

    Today, the Church commemorates the Virgin martyr, St. Lucy. St. Lucy is a major figure in Dante‘s Divine Comedy, acting as a guiding figure for Dante; leading him to his final destination: to the Beatific Vision. Dr. Taylor Marshall wrote about the role of St. Lucy in the Divine Comedy. He wrote: Dante, in the Divine Comedy, gives special literary significance to Saint Lucy.…

  • The Church Will Survive

    “Do not, I beseech you, be troubled about the increase of forces already in dissolution. You have mistaken the hour of the night; it is already morning.”  Hilaire Belloc The following is a homily from Fr. Peter Fehlner (b. 1931- d. 2018). In this homily Fr. Fehlner discusses crises in the Church, and in the world, which have been present…