“Do not, I beseech you, be troubled about the increase of forces already in dissolution. You have mistaken the hour of the night; it is already morning.”
Hilaire Belloc
The following is a homily from Fr. Peter Fehlner (b. 1931- d. 2018). In this homily Fr. Fehlner discusses crises in the Church, and in the world, which have been present since the Crucifixion, and advises Catholics, when confronted by such crises, to remember, first and foremost, that the Church will always survive.
Fr. Fehlner advises that, in such moments, Catholics ought to avoid the “prophets of doom” and simply continue to be a friend of God by keeping His commandments, by sowing His seed in each particular state of life, by setting good example, and by cooperating with His gifts of grace. He states (paraphrase): “There is only one Savior. There is only one Kingdom of God. There is only one source of that grace, that seed which will grow and become a grand tree, and all the birds of the air will come, indeed. You may say that God permits crises to simply illustrate the point that it is the Church that will remain, not because of me or you, or any other servant of God, but because of the Son of God, who became the Son of Mary, and continues to dwell in our midst.”
Here is a link to the homily:
There is a Kingdom, and it is not of this world.