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  • The Great Novena of the Immaculate Conception

    “Moreover, it was meet that the eternal Father should create her (Blessed Virgin Mary, added by SF) in his grace, since he destined her for the restorer of the lost world, and mediatrix of peace between man and God; and thus the holy Fathers name her, and especially St. John Damascene, who thus addresses her. Oh blessed Virgin, thou art…

  • Babies and The Stork

    ~As there is currently much talk in the United States about the rights (or lack thereof) of unborn children, I am taking another break from our reading of St. Alphonsus to urge us to remember the beauty of first things; in particular, the beauty of children and the gift that they are from Almighty God. Perhaps we need to go…

  • Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal 2021

    “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.” -words inscribed on the front side of the Miraculous Medal  On Saturday the twenty-seventh of November, the Roman Catholic Church commemorates Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. On this day, we remember the 1830 apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Sr. Catherine Laboure in Paris, France;…

  • Continuing with St. Alphonsus Liguori

    Today, in an effort to learn more about the Most Holy Blessed Virgin Mary, we are continuing to read small excerpts from The Blessed Virgin Mary by St. Alphonsus Liguori; specifically, we continue to delve into the first chapter where St. Alphonsus states that: The Eternal Father made Jesus Christ the King of justice, and consequently universal Judge of the…

  • St. Alphonsus and The Blessed Virgin Mary

    Let us get right down to business: in our continuing study of The Blessed Virgin Mary by St. Alphonsus Liguori, St. Alphonsus tells us: “The title of queen,” remarks Blessed Albert the Great, “differs from that of empress, which implies severity and rigor, in signifying compassion and charity towards the poor.”  “The greatness of kings and queens,” says Seneca, “consists in…