Mater Mea, Fiducia Mea. My Mother, My Confidence. The Roman Catholic people have loved Our Lady in the beautiful image of Our Lady of Confidence (above) for generations. They have invoked her aid by the simple prayer, “My Mother, My Confidence.” We posted about this prayer, and image, in November of 2020, and, since then, nothing has changed; nor will…
Holy Mother, Hear Our Cries
Some times a song (a poem!) expresses that which Catholics feel for the Most Holy Blessed Virgin Mary, and the following song (see link) is an example of such a piece of music. It captures the traditional sentiments of love and trust that the Church has had, and we, her children, too, hold towards this good and loving Mother. “By…
The Miraculous Medal
“O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.” -words inscribed on the front side of the Miraculous Medal as requested by Our Lady Today is the commemoration of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. On this day, we remember the 1830 apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Catherine Laboure in Paris, France. In…
Our Lady of the Rosary 2022
“The joys experienced on the other Feasts of the Mother of God are all gathered up and resumed in this one for us, for the Angels, and for our Lady herself. Like the Angels, then, let us offer, together with Mary, the homage of our just delight to the Son of God, her Son, her King and ours.” ~ Dom…
Devotion to Mary in 2022
~The following text is an article on Marian devotion which was written by Fr. Jonas Shell who is a Roman Catholic priest of the Diocese of Steubenville. The article was first published in The Steubenville Register in the summer of 2022, and is used with the permission of the author. ~SCF What could be more Catholic than devotion to the…