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  • May, The Month of Mary

    In the picture on this post you will see a statue of Our Lady adorned with a homemade crown, set before roses and a lit candle. This picture was taken on Mother’s Day in the state of New Mexico. It is the picture of a home May altar set up for the month of May, the month that is dedicated…

  • St. Maximilian Kolbe and The Immaculata

    The Polish Marian Franciscan saint, St. Maximilian Kolbe (b.1894- d.1941), was a tireless devotee and servant-son of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This saint, if he could speak to us today, would impart to us the same advice which he gave in his lifetime via his magazine, radio, and newspaper apostolates: he would tell us to entrust ourselves, our families, our…

  • Guzman on St. Maximilian Kolbe

    The following is a four year old article written by the Catholic convert Sam Guzman of The Catholic Gentleman on the heroic Marian saint of the last century, St. Maximilian Kolbe (b. 1894- d. 1941). This article which, by the way, is titled, Fire of Love: Lessons from St. Maximilian Kolbe, explains who Fr. Maximilian Kolbe was; and what makes…

  • Kolbe in May

    It is the thirteenth day of May, and the month of Our Lady is progressing: peonies are on the verge of blossoming, while rhododendron are in full bloom. In the O.V., the skies have been predominantly blue with an occasional rainy outburst from some rogue clouds. There have been graduations, weddings, wedding anniversaries, May crownings, Mother’s Day events, and First…

  • The Last Essay of St. Maximilian Kolbe

    The Franciscan Marian priest, St. Maximilian Kolbe, was martyred at Auschwitz on August 14, 1941. One year prior to his death, he wrote an essay on the Blessed Virgin Mary; but due to his arrest by agents of the Nazi government, imprisonment, and subsequent death, the essay was never completed. From the accounts of those who knew him, Fr. Kolbe…