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  • The Blessed Virgin Mary: Our Mother, Our Confidence

    Mater Mea, Fiducia Mea. My Mother, My Confidence. The Roman Catholic people have loved Our Lady in the beautiful image of Our Lady of Confidence (above) for generations.  They have invoked her aid by the simple prayer, “My Mother, My Confidence.” We posted about this prayer, and image, in November of 2020, and, since then, nothing has changed; nor will…

  • Holy Mother, Hear Our Cries

    Some times a song (a poem!) expresses that which Catholics feel for the Most Holy Blessed Virgin Mary, and the following song (see link) is an example of such a piece of music. It captures the traditional sentiments of love and trust that the Church has had, and we, her children, too, hold towards this good and loving Mother. “By…

  • The Miraculous Medal

    “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.” -words inscribed on the front side of the Miraculous Medal as requested by Our Lady Today is the commemoration of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. On this day, we remember the 1830 apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Catherine Laboure in Paris, France. In…

  • Rosa Mystica

    Rosa Mystica by Fr. Gerard Manley Hopkins 1. The rose in a mystery, where is it found? Is it anything true? Does it grow upon ground? — It was made of earth’s mould but it went from men’s eyes And its place is a secret and shut in the skies. Refrain — In the gardens of God, in the daylight…

  • Honor Our Mother

    “Honorons notre mere”    ~ the Immaculate Heart of Mary depicted on a replica of an old French holy card (above) In October by Gilbert K. Chesterton (b. 1874- d. 1936): Where are they gone that did delight in honour Abrupt and absolute as an epic ends, What light of the Last Things, like death at morning, Crowns the true lovers…