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  • Philadelphia Peonies

    Since I wrote about peonies over the weekend, I have heard from many people who, too, share a love for this beautiful flower. The picture (above) was sent from a friend who resides in the Philadelphia area. The peonies look lovely perched on her buffet with Our beloved Mother, in a seeming final Ode to May! I hate to see…

  • The Fifteen Tableaux

    “Saint Dominic has divided up the lives of Our Lord and Our Lady into fifteen mysteries which stand for their virtues and their most important actions. These are the fifteen tableaux; or pictures whose every detail must rule and inspire our lives.”  St. Louis de Montfort At Fatima, in the early part of the last century, Our Lady asked us…

  • Love the Rosary

    “When people love and recite the Rosary they find it makes them better.” St. Anthony Mary Claret (b. 1807- d. 1870)

  • The Third Joyful Mystery of the Rosary

    The Third Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, the Birth of Our Lord, is the subject of a new article by the Rosary to the Interior group. The article discusses the mysterious actions of Jesus in his Incarnation in the womb of Mary, birth, and subsequent life on Earth, all of which were characterized by humility and poverty. Here is a…

  • St. Padre Pio: Devotee of the Most Holy Rosary

    “The Rosary was Padre Pio’s favored prayer. He prayed it many times a day, decade after decade. He had always a rosary wrapped around his hand or arm, as it was a jewel or a shield. He had other rosaries under the pillow and on the nightstand. He called the rosary his ‘weapon.’ He had made a resolution years earlier…