Fr. Lasance in October

The month of the Holy Rosary, October, has arrived with its cooler temperatures, and evolving leaf scapes. It is a delightful time of the year, though one can be troubled without much effort by taking a glance at the international, or local news. It should be noted, however, that such news sources do not contain the Catholic view of the world; which leads to the question of what is the Catholic view of the world? That view is summed up in the Baltimore Catechism, but can be simply stated that Jesus Christ is King; and, in the end, all shall be well for those who hope in Him. And, so with that in mind, we publish today another quote in the Fr. Lasance quote series, and it now follows:

Do not look forward to what may happen to-morrow: the same everlasting Father who cares for you to-day will take care of you to-morrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thought and imaginations. ~Fr. Lasance Prayer-Book, item #32

Again, as noted in the other Fr. Lasance quote-posts, Fr. Lasance spent an entire lifetime of suffering, so he would not have been unfamiliar with the trials encountered in human life; and, more importantly, Jesus is aware of the trials and sufferings of this life, and is aware of ours today.

So, then, let us be at peace, and put aside all anxious thought and imaginations.

The Rosary is an effective aid to counteract the news from the world, and to keep one close to God and His Mother. And, in speaking of Our Lady: the Rosary is a wonderful aid to find her, to live in her Immaculate Heart, and to find your home there, see here.

May you have a good day.

Hail Mary!


~Top image: Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary and Her Divine Son, Jesus Christ.